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About the Crew

Cloudbreaker is a labor of love by an Ocean's 11 heist crew of eclectic weirdos.

Here are a few of them...


Portrait of Captain Stenhammar

Character bio

Actor bio

Actor Portrait


Portrait of First Wing Nazeer

Character bio

Actor bio

Actor Portrait


Portrait of Doc Wexham

Character bio

Actor bio

Actor Portrait


Character image

Character bio

Actor bio

Actor Portrait


Character image

Character bio

Actor bio

Actor Portrait

About the Host

Brandon Profile Photo



Brandon Carbaugh is a writer and narrative designer with 8 years of experience in the game industry, where he's worked on titles including "Choices: Stories You Play", "Lost Eidolons", "Lost Eidolons: Veil of the Witch", "Section 13", and more.

Outside of games, he writes screenplays. His work has been recognized by the Black List Feature Screenwriters' Lab and the 2020 CAPE List.

When he's not bustin his hump for the man, Brandon writes a bunch of weird random stuff for himself. Like this!